My Story

Carrie Asman

Carrie Asman

Homeopathy and Moxxor (green-lipped mussel oil, pernicula caniculus)

Carrie Asman, Ph.D., Holistic Advisory Board, Moxxrocks Interview , Newport Beach, 9.10.2010


I. What made you use Moxxor for your patient base?

I have taken fishoil for years only because I know about the importance of omega-3s for good health — not because I ever noticed, or even expected to notice, any real difference. In March of 2009 I was suffering from severe post- traumatic arthritis and in considerable pain from a serious leg injury incurred when I was hit by a car in Berlin the previous year. I had run out of my regular fishoil anyway when a patient and doctor friend of mine suggested I take Moxxor, the green-lipped mussel oil from New Zealand, so I decided to give it a try. I was eager to try anything to eliminate the pain preventing me from doing simple everyday things such as walking my dogs on the beach or climbing the 52 steps to my house. Within a few days of taking Moxxor the pain was virtually gone, but what intrigued me most were the unexpected positive side effects which many patients have since verified:  enhanced joint mobility, an increase in energy, mental focus and clarity, a general sense of well-being and last but not least, less susceptibility to stress.


Despite the many positive side-effects, I still hesitated to introduce Moxxor to my patients for the following reasons: First of all, supplements do not generally have a place in a homeopathic practice. Second, I found that it was enough of a challenge to explain what classical homeopathy is and how it works to patients still unfamiliar with the concept, without the confusion of introducing a new supplement. I was also concerned about the compatibility of Moxxor with high potency homeopathic remedies that are very fragile and easily antidoted by other substances. Of course it’s great if people just feel better, but for my work it’s important to know what is doing what. Although studies had been done showing that Moxxor enhances the bio-availabilty of allopathic medicine, it was not yet clear if one could extend this to homeopathic medicine as well.


One of the things that finally made me want to try Moxxor with my patient base was the positive feedback I was receiving from my family… My father, who suffered from high blood pressure, was not only able to reduce his blood thinner, but I also saw an extraordinary improvement in his overall condition…increased vitality, stamina, clarity, elevation in mood. I saw similar results with my cousin, a nurse practitioner, recovering from a recent stroke and several untimely deaths in her immediate family. She had become part of a tragedy with mythic dimensions — her mother, her twin sister and her husband had all recently died within 6 months of each other and she herself suffered a stroke during the aftermath. With Moxxor I saw her make extraordinary progress in her recovery, simultaneously she responded well to homeopathic treatment and was able to discontinue some of her meds of many years including Prozac.


Finally, I was impressed by the effects of Moxxor on my daughter who was studying at the University of Glasgow in Scotland and had diagnosed herself with ADD. She begged me to get a doctor in the US to prescribe her something that would help her get through exams since doctors in the UK did not recognize her problem as an illness. Knowing that her best friend had been prescribed methamphetamines with a similar diagnosis was cause for concern. When she came home for Christmas she received Moxxor instead. I was surprised that she accepted it, since children are not always eager to take advice. For the first time, she was able to concentrate and to get her papers in on time. When she received her MA with highest honors from Glasgow University this July she (I repeat she) attributed the sudden improvement in her grades to Moxxor. For those of you with teenagers, we are talking about 3 minor miracles here — The fact that she was able to take the Moxxor regularly; the fact that it worked; the fact that she admitted that it worked!


So with all the positive effects of Moxxor on myself and my family, I began to implement it in my practice and to see it more and more as a tool, a tool that enables patients to reduce heavy medications, medications that often prevent homeopathy from working. I have also found Moxxor useful as follow-up and maintenance for Detox treatments.


II. What conditions do you treat and what role does Moxxor play?

Homeopathy does not treat a specific disease or chronic illness, it treats a person with a disease. The idea being that if you can restore a balance with a carefully selected constitutional remedy, then many of the symptoms will fall by the wayside. I specialize in constitutional therapy: you look for a remedy that appears in all of the mental and physical symptoms. So two people may have sciatica, but you would give them very different remedies because sciatica would be just one of each individual’s many symptoms. As the over-all balance is restored in the course of homeopathic treatment, I have seen patients find relief from: insomnia, depression, autism, ADD, PMS, psoriasis, tendonitis, sinusitis, depression, Herpes, sciatica, gout, back pain, Lyme, Parkinsons — just to name a few of the more common chronic illnesses.


Many patients who come to me are especially difficult to treat because they are on heavy medications or have had extensive exposure to toxins, through the environment, the workplace, during fetal development. Many patients have mercury fillings, or even worse, they had them removed without going through a proper elimination process. Some of these toxins are often at the root of illness and may prevent homeopathic remedies from achieving lasting results.


In cases where heavy exposure is suspected, a thorough detoxification is recommended before beginning treatment. Some of the usual suspects range from: heavy metals, mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium, aluminum, molds and fungus as well as the residuals from medications and therapies with a toxic component such as radiation or chemotherapy. Here Moxxor works beautifully as a follow-up for detoxification because it continues to protect the body afterwards. It works on the cellular level by allowing the cell wall to function both as a sieve and a screen, a two-way semi-permeable membrane enabling omega 3’s to enter, and, at the same time, a protective shield preventing further toxins from reentering the cell after detoxification has taken place. The most impressive thing about Moxxor, which has been cutting edge for my practice, is that it enables patients to greatly reduce their medications with proper medical supervision, enabling them to take their detoxification and healing process to another level.


III. Could you give us some chronic illness case history examples?

One case that demonstrates the implementation of Moxxor in my practice is the case of a 77 year-old artist/sculptor from Northern California, who came to me in July of 2009 complaining of severe BACK PAIN. She suffered from stenosis and had undergone 2 surgeries and was scheduled for a third. At the time she was unable to go up or down stairs, to walk without a cane, or to stand for long periods of time, necessary for her work as a sculptor that requires her to be on her feet for many hours. She was on several medications including Relafin (daily) and morphine (1-2x wk) for her pain. But as it turned out, back pain was only one of her many complaints.


She had suffered from skin cancer on her face below the left eye requiring 2 OPs and radiation therapy; In addition to cataracts on both eyes, she had recently developed glaucoma on her left eye that was probably caused by radiation treatment. She had osteoathritis, osteoporosis, cysts, kidney stones, cancer of the kidney (external) which had been surgically removed a few years prior. She also suffered from severe edema ankles, Torticollic Dystonia (tremor) and night sweats, for which she had been put on hormone replacement therapy.


We began with a detoxification and selected remedies to enhance the absorption of calcium and minerals to the bone, followed by her homeopathic constitutional remedy which happened, among other things, to address bone density, cysts, edema and night sweats… After the remedies started to work we added Moxxor (4 per day). A few months later during follow-up treatment the patient reported that the back pain was virtually gone; she was able to discontinue her pain medication (morphine and relafin) and her 3rd back operation could be cancelled. The edema was mostly gone with intermittent flare-ups; she had improved joint mobility; 3⁄4 of cysts had disappeared; the number of kidney stones was reduced, so this could also be cancelled. 6 months later glaucoma pressure measurement went down from 16 to 10. With the supervision of her primary care physician we were able to discontinue 5 of her medications: diuretic, relafin, morphine, allergy medication, the HRT.


Patient’s comment:  I just feel really good since I began this treatment. I have more energy, my ankles aren’t swollen anymore. My back doesn’t hurt. I can go up stairs again and walk without a cane which was not possible prior to this treatment. The most important thing is, my pain is gone, I could go off all the pain medication and I can work on my feet for longer hours again!  (Marj Burgthaler Stone).


Convinced that the toxic side effects of relafin had been the primary cause of his own mother’s death, the patient’s primary care physician at Kayser Permanente was enthusiastic about the overall progress and wanted to know more about the treatment that had enabled her to discontinue the relafin. Since beginning her homeopathic treatment together with Moxxor a little over a year ago, she has been able to do several shows exhibiting her work, one will open next week in the Bay Area.


Another case showing the implementation of Moxxor in my practice is the case of a middle-aged man with a history of alcohol and drug addiction who came to me complaining of CHRONIC FATIGUE in mid April of 2009. He was diagnosed in 2006 with MDS, Myodysplasia Syndrome, a leukemia-like, non-cancerous bone marrow disease, for which there is no known cure. The cause is uncertain, enviromental toxins have been known to play a role. The patient had been given 2 years to live and placed on the list for a bone marrow transplant. I told him I do not treat a disease, only a person with a disease. Aside from extreme chronic fatigue and chronic inflammation, the intake revealed excessive exposure to toxins in the workplace – asphalt, diesel, solvents, etc. – in addition to previous regular drug use. He was given a series of homeopathic detox remedies augmented by Zeolite (pulverized volcanic rock) which he continues to take on a daily basis in addition to Colloidal Silica. After a series of homeopathic detox remedies he was given his constitutional remedy. This treatment has been augmented by the anti-inflammatory Moxxor 4 per day which he sometimes increases when under stress. Since beginning treatment his asthma has improved, his energy level, his stamina, and his ability to focus have improved enormously. Prior to treatment he suffered from 1or 2-5 colds per month. Since beginning treatment a year and a half ago he has been sick only once or twice. Fatigue symptoms have disappeared. He is able to work out 3-4 times a week rather than once a week previously: his improved ability to focus enables him to work effortlessy for several hours at the computer, whereas prior to treatment he could not work for more than one-half hour at a time. His grades have improved and he was recently awarded a scholarship.


In a follow-up in September 2009, 5 months after beginning treatment, the oncology nurse practitioner at San Joaquin Hospital in Stockton reported that his lab work was good; platelets were stable and so was his white blood cell count. On his next follow-up in February 2010: the labwork indicated continued improvement and the patient was removed from the waiting list for a bone marrow transplant. The patient is finishing his Bachelor of Science degree at a school in northern California and currently works as a drug councillor after successfully passing his certifying exam last Spring.


So, at the end of the day, maybe we can never really be completely certain, what is doing what here without the aid of more extensive laboratory research, which will hopefully be possible in the near future. But with these kinds of improvements, I would say, don’t touch a system or a synergy of approaches that is running so smoothly and has greatly enhanced the quality, the productivity and the longevity of these people’s lives. Without a doubt, Moxxor has played an important role in making this possible.



 Carrie Lee Asman, PH.D.


4040 Civic Center Drive, Suite 200

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  +1  949 873 7251   US landline, will ring on German cell without extra charge


Spessart Strasse 21
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*Any views, opinions or claims presented in this story are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the position of Moxxor. Success with Moxxor is a result of individual effort, goal setting and discipline. Claims concerning Moxxor’s products or systems have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. As with any dietary supplement, consult your health care practitioner before using any product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or under medical supervision. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary. © Moxxor. All rights reserved.